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Chronic exposures and
sublethal effects |
The persistence of oil in the ecosystem and seabird chronic
exposures for years after the spill was evident in the yellow-legged gulls
breeding in northwest of Spain. An spatial study on seven colonies found that
blood samples from yellow-legged gulls breeding in colonies that were in the
trajectory of the spill doubled in their total PAH concentrations when
compared to samples from unoiled colonies (Perez et al. in press). Since blood
cells are continuously being produced and have a lifespan of several weeks,
the presence of PAHs in blood cells probably indicates a recent incorporation.
The presence of PAHs in chicks indicates that these pollutants were
incorporated into the food chain because nestlings would have been only
exposed to contaminated organisms in the diet (Alonso-Alvarez et al. 2007a). Contrary to common thinking, yellow-legged gulls feed mainly on marine animals
(>80% in 2004, including fishing discards and benthic or intertidal organisms)
around the breeding colonies, thus, these studies revealed that seabirds were
chronically exposed to oil incorporated in the food web.
An experiment showed that the Prestige oil spill is toxic to seabirds
(Alonso-Alvarez et al. 2007b) and, indeed yellow legged gulls breeding in
oiled colonies suffered health damages of sublethal nature, 17 months after
the Prestige oil spill (Alonso-Alvarez et al. 2007a). Gull sampled in oiled
colonies were suffering damages on vital organs (i.e. liver and kidney).
Overall, these studies suggested different sub-lethal effects on seabirds
associated to a long-term exposure to fuel oil. Sublethal effects could even
have a stronger impact on population dynamics than direct mortality (Peterson
et al. 2003).
Alonso-Alvarez, C., Munilla, I., López, M., Velando, A., 2007a. Sublethal
toxicity of the Prestige oil spill on yellow-legged gulls. Environ. Int. 33,
773–781. |
Alonso-Alvarez, C., Pérez, C., Velando, A. 2007b. Effects of acute exposure to
heavy fuel oil from the Prestige spill on a seabird. Aquatic Toxicology 84,
103–110. |
Peterson, C. H.; Rice, S. D.; Short, J. W.; Esler, D.; Bodkin, J. L.;
Ballachey, B. E.; Irons, D.B. Long-term ecosystem response to the Exxon Valdez
oil spill. Science 2003, 302, 2082-2086 |
Pérez, C., Velando, A., Munilla, I. López-Alonso, M., Oro, D. Monitoring PAH
pollution in the marine environment after the Prestige oil-spill by means of
seabird blood analysis. Env. Sci. Tecnol. In press |
Alberto Velando. Universidade de Vigo |