Alberto Velando

Professor of Zoology - Behavioural Ecology

Research interests

My research activity is focused on understanding how selection modulates the life-history strategies of animals using mainly wild vertebrates as study models.  During my postdoctoral research, I studied how life-history trade-offs and underlying mechanisms modulate life-time strategies of parental care and sexual signaling in long-lived birds. We provide, for example, an experimental demonstration that terminal reproductive investment occurs in senescent individuals only when their future life expectancy is low. In 2003, our study area was affected by the Prestige oil spill and, in parallel to our research on evolutionary ecology, we evaluated the long-term effect of this oil spill on seabird populations; providing for example robust evidence of the collapse of reproductive colonies. 
In the last decades, our research was focused mainly on how early conditions during development influence several levels of phenotypic organization (with consequences on life-history strategies in two wild vertebrates, the yellow-legged gull and sticklebacks). We demonstrated, for example, that stress is
socially transmitted during early life, modifying embryonic development at several physiological levels (methylation, glucocorticoids and gene expression), long-lasting programing chicks to cope with environmental hazards.
Our current work tackles important questions about the mechanisms underlying social and environmental effects on developmental programming in a familiar context (see an example here)




Ruiz-Raya F, Velando A. 2024. Lasting benefits of embryonic eavesdropping on parent-parent communication.   Science Advances 10: eadn854

Guillen-Parra M, Barcenas-Flores R, Velando A, Wiley A, Montoya B, Torres R.2024. Sex-Specific Variation in Foraging Behavior is Related to Telomere Length in a Long-Lived Seabird. Ecology and Evolution 14: e70732

Guillen-Parra M, Velando A, Barcenas-Flores R, Nicolás-Toledo L, Torres R. 2024. Telomere length links with physiological phenotype and breeding patterns in a long-lived seabird. Ornithology 141: ukad049


Kim SY, Chiara V, Álvarez‐Quintero N, da Silva A, Velando A 2023. Maternal effect senescence via reduced DNA repair ability in the three‐spined stickleback. Molecular Ecology 32: 4648-4659  

Justel-Diez M, Delgadillo-Nuno E, Gutierrez-Barral A, Garcia-Otero P, Alonso-Barciela I, Pereira-Villanueva P, Álvarez-Salgado XA. Velando A, Teira E, Fernández E. 2023 Inputs of seabird guano alter microbial growth, community composition and the phytoplankton-bacterial interactions in a coastal system. Environmental Microbiology 25: 1155-1173  

Ruiz-Raya F, Noguera, JC, Velando, A. 2023. Covariation between glucocorticoid levels and receptor expression modulates embryo development and postnatal phenotypes in gulls. Hormones and Behavior 149: 105316.


Kim S-Y, Chiara V, Alvarez-Quintero N, Velando A. 2022. Mitochondrial DNA content in eggs as a maternal effect. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289: 20212100 2

Ruiz-Raya F, Velando A. 2022. Sunlight and lifestyle: linking prenatal light conditions and personality development in a wild bird. Animal Behaviour 193: 13-20.  

Noguera, JC, Velando A. Maternal testosterone affects offspring telomerase activity in a long-lived seabird. Ecology & Evolution 12: e9281.  

Ruiz-Raya F, Noguera JC, Velando A. Light received by embryos promotes postnatal junior phenotypes in a seabird. Behavioural Ecology  33: 1047-1057.  

Chiara V, Velando A, Kim S-Y. 2022. Relationships between male secondary sexual traits, physiological state and offspring viability in the three-spined stickleback. BMC Ecology and Evolution 22:4  


Velando A, Noguera JC, Aira M, Dominguez J. 2021. Gut microbiome and telomere length in gull hatchlings. Biology Letters 17: 20210398  

Ruiz-Raya F, Ibanez-Alamo JD, Parenteau C, Chastel O, Soler M. 2021. Prolactin mediates behavioural rejection responses to avian brood parasitism. J Experimental Biology  224: jeb240101.

Álvarez-Quintero N, Velando A and Kim S-Y. 2021. Smart mating: the cognitive ability of females influences their preference for male cognitive ability. Behavioral Ecology 32: 803-813.

Noguera JC, Velando A. 2021. Telomerase activity can mediate the effects of growth on telomeres during post-natal development in a wild bird. Journal of Experimental Biology 224: jeb242465.

Calado JG, Verissimo SN, Paiva VH, Ramos R, Vaz PT, Matos D, Pereira J, Lopes C, Oliveira N, Quaresma A, Ceia FR, Velando A, Ramos JA. 2021. Influence of fisheries on the spatio-temporal feeding ecology of gulls along the western Iberian coast. Marine Ecology Progress Series 661: 187-201  

Álvarez-Quintero N, Velando A, Noguera JC, Kim S-Y. 2020. Environment‐induced changes in reproductive strategies and their transgenerational effects in the three‐spined stickleback. Ecology and Evolution 11: 771-783.


Noguera JC, da Silva, Velando A. 2020. Egg corticosterone can stimulate telomerase activity and promote longer telomeres during embryo development. Molecular Ecology 

Noguera JC, Velando A. 2020. Gull chicks grow faster but lose telomeres when prenatal cues mismatch the real presence of sibling competitors. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 287: 20200242  

Kim S-Y, Velando A. 2020. Attractive male sticklebacks carry more oxidative DNA damage in the soma and germline. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33:121-126  

Ruiz-Raya F, Soler M. 2020. Signal detection and optimal acceptance thresholds in avian brood parasite-host systems: implications for egg rejection. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences B 375: 20190477  

Álvarez-Quintero N,  Velando A, Kim S-Y. 2020. Long-lasting negative effects of learning tasks during early life in the three-spined stickleback. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8: 313

Calado JG, Paiva VH, Ramos JA, Velando A, Munilla I. 2020. Anthropogenic food resources, sardine decline and environmental conditions have triggered a dietary shift of an opportunistic seabird over the last 30 years in the northwest coast of Spain. Regional Environmental Change 20: 10

Calado JG , Paiva VH ,  Ceia FR, Gomes P,  Ramos JA,  Velando A. 2020. Stable isotopes reveal year-round sexual trophic segregation in four yellow-legged gull colonies. Marine Biology 167: 1-11


Noguera JC, Velando A. 2019. Bird embryos perceive vibratory cues of predation risk from clutch mates. Nature Ecology and Evolution 3: 1225-1232

Velando, A., Noguera, J.C., da Silva, A., Kim, S-Y. 2019. Redox-regulation and life-history trade-offs: scavenging mitochondrial ROS improves growth in a wild bird. Scientific Reports 9:  2203

Kim S-Y, Noguera JC & Velando A. 2019. Carry-over effects of early thermal conditions on somatic and germline oxidative damages are mediated by compensatory growth in sticklebacks. Journal Animal Ecology 88: 473-483

 Noguera JC. 2019. Crickets increase sexual signalling and sperm protection but live shorter in the presence of rivals. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32: 42-57

Noguera JC, Velando A. 2019. Reduced telomere length in embryos exposed to predator cues. Journal of Experimental Biology 222: jeb216176


Álvarez, G. Barros, A, Velando, A. 2018. The use of European shag pellets as indicators of microplastic fibers in the marine environment. Marine Pollution Bulletin 137, 444-448

Noguera JC, Metcalfe NB, Monaghan P. 2018. Experimental demonstration that offspring fathered by old males have shorter telomeres and reduced lifespans. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 285: 20180268

Morales J, Velando A. 2018. Coloration of chicks modulates costly interactions among family members. Behavioral Ecology  29: 894-903

Oro D, Alvarez D, Velando A. 2018. Complex demographic heterogeneity from anthropogenic impacts in a coastal marine predator. Ecological Applications 28: 612-621

Morales J, Lucas A, Velando A. 2018. Maternal programming of offspring antipredator behavior in a seabird. Behavioral Ecology 29: 479-485

Noguera JC, Aira M, Pérez-Losada M, Velando A. 2018. Glucocorticoids modulate gastrointestinal microbiome in a wild. Royal Society Open Science 5: 171743


Noguera JC, Kim S-Y, Velando A. 2017. Family-transmitted stress in a wild bird. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 114: 6794-6799

Velando A, Costa MM,  Kim S-Y. 2017. Sex-specific phenotypes and metabolism-related gene expression in juvenile sticklebacks. Behavioral Ecology 28:1553-1563

Kim S-Y, Costa MM, Esteve-Codina A, Velando A. 2017. Transcriptional mechanisms underlying life-history responses to climate change in the three-spined stickleback. Evolutionary Applications 10: 718-730

Kim S-Y, Metcalfe NB, da Silva A, Velando A. 2017. Thermal conditions during early life influence seasonal maternal strategies in the three-spined stickleback. BMC Ecology 17: 34

Noguera JC, Metcalfe NB, Monaghan P. 2017. Postnatal nutrition influences male attractiveness and promotes plasticity in male mating preferences. The Science of Nature 104:102

Diaz-Real J, Kim S-Y, Velando A. 2017. Plumage colour and the expression of stress-related genes in gull chicks. Journal Avian Biology 48: 1216-1225

Noguera JC. 2017. Interacting effects of early dietary conditions and reproductive effort on the oxidative costs of reproduction. PeerJ 5, e3094

Velando A, Moran P, Romero R, Fernandez J, Piorno V. 2017. Invasion and eradication of the American mink in the Atlantic Islands National Park (NW Spain): A retrospective analysis. Biological Invasions  19: 1227-1241


Barros A, Romero R, Munilla I, Pérez C, Velando A. 2016. Behavioural plasticity in nest-site selection of a colonial seabird in response to an invasive carnivore.Biological Invasions 18:3149–3161

Díaz-Real J, Kim S-Y, Velando A. 2016 Hatching hierarchy but not egg-related effects governs behavioral phenotypes in gull chicks. Behavioral Ecology 27, 1782-1789

Kim S-Y, Metcalfe NB, Velando A. 2016.  A benign juvenile environment reduces the strength of antagonistic pleiotropy and genetic variation in the rate of senescence. Journal of Animal Ecology, 85, 705-714.

Kim S-Y & Velando A. 2016.  Unsociable juvenile male three-spined sticklebacks grow more attractive. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology, 70, 975-980

Munilla I, Genovart, M, Paiva, VH,  Velando, A. 2016. Colony foundation in an oceanic seabird. PlosOne 11, e0147222

Kim S-Y & Velando A. 2016. Genetic conflict between sexual signalling and juvenile survival in the three-spined stickleback.  BMC Evolutionary Biology, 16:52

Velando A, Barros Á , Moran P. 2015. Heterozygosity–fitness correlations in a declining seabird population.  Molecular Ecology 24, 1007-101

Kim S-Y, Velando A. 2015.  Phenotypic integration between anti-predator behaviour and camouflage pattern in juvenile sticklebacks. Evolution, 69, 830-83

Kim S-Y, Velando A. 2015. Antioxidants safeguard telomeres in bold chicks. Biology Letters, 11, 20150211

Munilla I , Velando A. 2015. The Iberian guillemot population crash: A plea for action at the margins. Biological Conservation 191, 842

González-Solís J , Díaz M , Velando A, Tella JL, Amat JA, Arroyo B et al. , 2015. Anillamiento científico: estado actual y perspectivas de futuro. Quercus, 354, 23-28


Velando, A, Beamonte-Barrientos, R, Torres, R. 2014. Enhanced male coloration after immune challenge increases reproductive potential. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 27, 1582-1589

Barros, A., Alvarez, D., Velando, A. 2014. Long-term reproductive impairment in a seabird after the Prestige oil spill. Biology Letters, 10, 20131041

Kim, S-Y & Velando, A. 2014. Stickleback males increase red coloration and courtship behaviours in the presence of a competitive rival. Ethology 120, 502-510

Fargallo, JA, Velando, A, López-Rull, I, Gañán, N, Lifshitz, N, Wakamatsu, K, Torres, R. 2014. Sex-specific phenotypic integration: endocrine profiles, coloration, and behavior in fledgling boobies. Behavioral Ecology 25, 76-87.

Beamonte-Barrientos, R, Velando, A, Torres, R. 2014. Age-dependent effects of carotenoids on sexual ornaments and reproductive performance of a long-lived seabird. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology,68, 115-126.

Lucas, A, Morales, J, Velando, A. 2014. Differential effects of specific carotenoids on oxidative damage and immune response of gull chicks  The Journal of Experimental Biology, 217, 1253-1262


Moreno, J, Velando, A, González‐Braojos, S, Ruiz‐de‐Castañeda, R, Cantarero A. 2013. Females Paired with More Attractive Males Show Reduced Oxidative Damage: Possible Direct Benefits of Mate Choice in Pied Flycatchers Ethology 119, 727-737

Velando, A, Kim S-Y, Noguera JC. 2013. Begging response of gull chicks to the red spot on the parental bill. Animal Behaviour, 85, 1359–1366

Barros, A., Alvarez, D., Velando, A. 2013. Cormorán moñudo – Phalacrocorax aristotelis. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. Salvador, A., Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid.

Barros, A. Álvarez, D. & Velando, A. 2013. Climate influence on  fledgling sex ratio and sex-specific dispersal in a seabird. Plos One  8(8): e71358.

Morales, J & Velando A. 2013. Signals in family conflicts.  Animal Behaviour, 85, 1359–1366

Kim S-Y, Noguera JC, Velando A. 2013. Vitamins, stress and growth: the availability of antioxidants in early life influences the expression of cryptic genetic variation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology,26,  1341–1352

Noguera JC, Kim S-Y, Velando A. 2013. Maternal testosterone influences a begging component that makes fathers work harder in chick provisioning. Hormones & Behaviour, 64, 19-25.

Domínguez, J & Velando, A. 2013. Sexual selection in earthworms: Mate choice, sperm competition, differential allocation and partner manipulation. Applied Soil Ecology, 69, 21–27


Alonso-Alvarez, C. & Velando A. 2012. Benefits and costs of parental care. In Royle, N. J., Smiseth, P. T. & Kölliker, M. (eds.).  The evolution of parental care. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp  40-61.

Noguera, J.C., Dean, R., Isaksson, C., Velando, A. & Pizzari, T.2012.  Age-specific oxidative status and the expression of pre- and post-copulatory sexually-selected traits in male red junglefowl Ecology & Evolution 2, 2155-2167

Noguera JC, Kim S-Y, Velando A. 2012. P Pre-fledgling oxidative damage predicts recruitment in a long-lived bird. Biology Letters 8: 61-63

Morales J, Torres R, Velando A 2012. Safe betting: males help dull females only when they raise high-quality offspring. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 66:135-143

Porto PG, Domínguez J. & Velando A. 2012. Multiple mating increases cocoon hatching success in the earthworm Eisenia andrei (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 107, 175-181

Moreno, J., Velando, A., Ruiz-de-Castañeda, R., González-Braojos, S., & Cantarero, A. 2012. Oxidative damage in relation to a female plumage badge: evidence for signalling costs. Acta Ethologica 16, 65-75


Torres, R, Drummond, H, Velando A. 2011. Parental age and lifespan influence offspring recruitment: A Long-Term Study in a Seabird. Plos One  6(11): e27245.

Noguera, J.C., Lores, M., Alonso-Álvarez, C. &Velando, A. 2011. Thrifty development: early-life diet restriction reduces oxidative damage during later growth. Functional Ecology  25, 1114-1153

Kim S-Y, Noguera JC, Morales J & Velando A. 2011. The evolution of multi-component begging display in gull chicks: sibling competition and genetic variability. Animal Behaviour 82: 113-118.

Velando A., Noguera JC, Drummond H, & Torres R. 2011. Senescent males carry premutagenic lesions in sperm. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 693–697.

Kim S-Y, Velando A, Torres R. & Drummond H. 2011. Effects of recruiting age on senescence, lifespan and lifetime reproductive success in a long-lived seabird. Oecologia 166: 615-626

Moreno, J. Velando, A., Ruiz-De-Castañeda R., Cantarero, A., Gonzalez-Braojos, S., Redondo A. 2011. Plasma antioxidant capacity and oxidative damage in relation to male plumage ornamental traits in a montane Iberian Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca Acta Ornithologica 46:65-70

Velando, A., Munilla, I. 2011. Disturbance to a foraging seabird by sea-based tourism: Implications for reserve management in marine protected areas. Biological Conservation 144:1167–1174.

Munilla I, Arcos JM, Oro D, Álvarez D, Leyenda PM,Velando A 2011. Mass mortality of seabirds in the aftermath of the Prestige oil spill. Ecosphere  2: a83

Moreno, R., Jover, L, Munilla, I, Velando, A., Sanpera C. 2011. The influence of trophic ecology and spatial variation on the isotopic fingerprints of seabirds. Marine Ecology Progress Series 442: 229–239.

Kim S-Y, Noguera JC, Morales J & Velando A. 2011. Quantitative genetic evidence for trade-off between growth and resistance to oxidative stress in a wild bird. Evolutionary Ecology  25, 461-472.

Morales J, Velando A, Torres R 2011. Biliverdin-based egg coloration is enhanced by carotenoid supplementation. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology  65: 197–203

Kim S-Y, Drummond H, Torres R & Velando A. 2011. E Evolvability of an avian life-history trait declines with father's age. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 295–302.

Noguera JC, Alonso-Alvarez C, Kim S-Y, Morales J,Velando A. 2011. Yolk testosterone reduces oxidative damages during postnatal development. Biology Letters 7: 93-95.


Torres R and Velando A. 2010. Color in a Long-lived Tropical Seabird: Sexual Selection in a Life- history Context. In Advances in the Study of Behaviour. Behavioral Ecology of Tropical Animals, Ed. Regina Macedo. Vol 42. ISBN 9780123808943.

Pérez, C., Lores, M., Velando, A. 2010.Oil pollution increases plasma antioxidants but reduces coloration in a seabird. Oecologia 163: 875-884.

Velando, A., Munilla, I, López-Alonso, M., Freire, J., Pérez, C. 2010. EROD activity and stable isotopes in seabirds to disentangle marine food web contamination after the Prestige oil spill. Environmental Pollution 158: 1275-1280.

Kim, S.-Y., Noguera, J.C. Morales, J., Velando, A.2010. Heritability of resistance to oxidative stress in early life. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 769-775.

Beamonte-Barrientos, R., Velando, A., Drummond, H., Torres, R. Senescence of maternal effects: aging influences egg quality and rearing capacities of a long-lived bird. American Naturalist 175: 469–480.

Munilla, I., & Velando, A. 2010. Oiling in live gulls as a tool to monitor acute oil spill effects on seabirds. Ibis 152: 405 - 409.

Velando, A., Drummond, H., Torres, R. 2010. Senescing sexual ornaments recover after a sabbatical. Biology Letters 6: 194-196.

Kim, S.-Y., Velando, A., Sorci, G., Alonso-Alvarez, C. 2010. Genetic correlation between resistance to oxidative stress and reproductive lifespan in a bird species. Evolution 64: 852–857.

Noguera, J.C., Morales, J., Pérez, C. Velando, A.2010. On the oxidative cost of begging: Antioxidants enhance vocalizations in gull chicks. Behavioral Ecology 21: 479-484.

Morales, J., Torres, R., Velando, A. 2010. Parental conflict and blue egg coloration in a seabird. Naturwissenschaften 97:173–180.

Moreno, R., Jover, L, Munilla, I, Velando, A., Sanpera C. 2010. A three-isotope approach to disentangling the diet of a generalist consumer: the yellow-legged gull in northwest Spain. Marine Biology 157:545–553.

Pérez, C., Munilla, I., López-Alonso, M. & Velando, A. 2010. Sublethal effects on seabirds after the Prestige oil-spill are mirrored in sexual signals. Biology Letters 6, 33-35


Morales, J., Alonso-Álvarez, C, Pérez, C, Torres, R, Serafino, E. & Velando, A. 2009. Families on the spot: sexual signals influence parent-offspring negotiations Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 276, 2477-2483

Velando, A. & Torres, R. 2009. Evolución de la Coloración en la Aves: Darwin Reivindicado. En: Evolución y Adaptación 150 años después del Origen de las Especies (Dopazo, H. & Navarro A. Eds). Obrapropia, Valencia.

Domínguez, J. & Velando, A. 2009. Darwin y las Lombrices de Tierra: Selección Sexual en Animales Hermafroditas En: Evolución y Adaptación 150 años después del Origen de las Especies (Dopazo, H. & Navarro A. Eds). Obrapropia, Valencia.

Munilla, I. & Velando, A. 2009. Plan Integral de Recuperación e Conservación das Aves Mariñas Ameazadas de Galicia . Consellería de Medio Ambiente e Desenvolvemento Sostible, Xunta de Galicia  [141pp Book]

Morales, J. Velando, A. Torres, R. 2009.  Fecundity limits attractiveness when pigments are scarce. Behavioral Ecology  20: 117-123


Velando, A. Torres, R., Alonso-Alvarez, C. 2008. Avoiding bad genes: Oxidatively damaged DNA in germ line and mate choice. BioEssays  30:1212–1219

Morales, J. Velando, A., Moreno, J. 2008. Pigment allocation to eggs decreases plasma antioxidants in a songbird. Behavioural Ecology & Sociobiology 63: 227-233

Pérez, C., Lores, M., Velando, A. 2008. Availability of non-pigmentary antioxidant affects red coloration in gulls. Behavioral Ecology 19: 967-973

Velando, A. & Munilla, I. 2008. Plan de Conservación del Cormorán Moñudo en el Parque Nacional de las Islas Atlánticas. Universidade de Vigo. [156pp Book]

Velando, A., Eiroa, J. & Domínguez J. 2008. .Brainless but not clueless: Earthworms boost their ejaculates when they detect fecund nonvirgin partners. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 275:1067-72

Pérez, C., Velando, A., Munilla, I. Lopez-Alonso, M. Oro, D. 2008. P. Monitoring PAH pollution in the marine environment after the Prestige oil-spill by means of seabird blood analysis. Environmental Science & Technology, 42, 707–713


Torres, R. & Velando, A. 2007. Male reproductive senescence: The price of immune-induced oxidative damage on sexual attractiveness in the blue-footed booby. Journal Animal Ecology 76:1161-1168

Alonso-Alvarez, C., Perez, C.., Velando, A. 2007. Effects of acute exposure to heavy fuel oil from the Prestige spill on a seabird. Aquatic Toxicology 84:103-110

Álvarez, D. & Velando, A. 2007 El Cormorán moñudo en España y Gibraltar. Población en 2006-2007 y método de censo. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid [Book 82pp]

Munilla, I., Díez, C. & Velando, A. 2007. Are edge bird populations doomed to extinction? A retrospective analysis of the common guillemot collapse in Iberia. Biological Conservation 137: 359-371

Alonso-Alvarez, C., Munilla, I. López; M., Velando, A. 2007. Sublethal toxicity of the Prestige oil spill on yellow-legged gulls Environment International 33: 773-781

Aira, M, Domínguez, J, Monroy, F & Velando, A.2007. Stress promotes changes in resource allocation to growth and reproduction in a simultaneous hermaphrodite with indeterminate growth Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 91: 593–600


Velando, A. Beamonte, R & Torres R. 2006. Pigment-based skin colour in the blue-footed booby: an honest signal of current condition used by females to adjust reproductive investment. Oecologia 149: 543-552

Velando, A. Drummond, H. & Torres R. 2006. Senescent birds redouble reproductive effort when ill: confirmation of the terminal investment hypothesis. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 273: 1443–1448

Martínez-Abraín, A. Velando, A. Genovart, M. . Gerique, C Bartolomé,M. A. Villuendas, E. Sarzo, B. & Oro, D. 2006. Sex-specific mortality of European shags during an oil spill: demographic implications for the recovery of colonies. Marine Ecology Progress Series 318: 271-276

Tato, A., Velando, A., Domínguez, J. 2006. Influence of size and partner preference on the female function of the earthworm Eisenia andrei(Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) EuropeanJournal of Soil Biology 42: s331-333

Pérez, C., Velando, A. & Domínguez, J. 2006. Parental food conditions influence sex-specific embryo mortality in the yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis). Journal of Ornithology 147:513–519

Velando, A., J. Dominguez, and A. Ferreiro. 2006.Inbreeding and outbreeding reduces cocoon production in the earthworm Eisenia andrei.European Journal of Soil Biology 42:s354-357

Monroy, F., Aira, M. Domínguez, J. & Velando, A. 2006 Seasonal population dynamics ofEisenia fetida(Savigny, 1826) (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) in the field. C. R. Biologies 329: 912–915

Martínez-Abraín, A., Oro, D., Velando, A., Genovart, M., Gerique, C., Bartolomé, M. A., Sarzo; B. & Villuendas, E. 2006. Morphometric similarities between central and peripheral populations of the European shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis. Marine Ornithology 34: 21-24


Velando, A., Torres, R. & Espinosa, I. 2005. Male coloration and chick condition in blue-footed booby: a cross-fostering experiment. Behavioural Ecology & Sociobiology 58: 175–180

Torres, R. & Velando, A. 2005. Male preference for female foot colour in a seabird with a mixed mating strategy. Animal Behaviour 69: 59-65

Velando, A., Munilla, I. & Leyenda, P.M. 2005.  Short-term indirect effects of the Prestige oil spill on a marine top predator: changes in prey availability for European shags. Marine Ecology Progress Series 302: 263–274

Velando, A., Álvarez, D., Mouriño, J., Arcos, F., Barros, A. 2005. Population trends and reproductive success of European Shag following the Prestige oil spill in the Iberian Peninsula. Journal of Ornithology 146: 116-120

Monroy, F., Aira, M, Velando, A, Domínguez, J, 2005. Size-assortative mating in the earthworm Eisenia fetida(Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae). J Ethology 23: 69-70

Domínguez, J. Velando, A. & Ferreiro, A. 2005. Are Eisenia fetida E. andrei separtarate biological species? Pedobiologia 49: 81-87

Velando, A. 2005. Planes de conservación de especies amenazadas. In: F. Rodríguez [Ed.]. Galicia. Ecología. Tomo XLV: Conservación. Hercules de Ediciones, A Coruña.


Velando, A. 2004. Female control in yellow-legged gull: trading paternity assurance for food. Animal Behaviour  67: 899-907

Velando, A. & Alvarez, D. 2004. Cormoran Moñudo, Phalacrocorax aristotelis aristotelis. In A. Madroño, C. Gonzalez & J.C. Atienza [eds.], Libro Rojo de las Aves de España. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente-SEO/Birdlife, Madrid. pp 60-62


Torres, R. & Velando, A. 2003. A dynamic trait affects continuous pair assessment in the blue-footed booby, Sula nebouxii Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 55: 65-72

Velando, A. & Alonso-Alvarez, C. 2003. Differential body condition regulation by males and females in response to experimental manipulations of brood size and parental effort in the blue-footed Booby. Journal Animal Ecology 72: 846-856

Velando, A. & Freire, J. 2003. Nest-Site Characterictics, Ocupation and Breeding Success in the European Shag. Waterbirds 26: 473-483

Domínguez, J, Velando, A, Aira, M & Monroy, F. 2003. Uniparental reproduction ofEisenia fetidaandE. andrei(Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae): evidence of self-insemination. Pedobiología, 47: 530-534

Alonso-Alvarez, C. & Velando, A. 2003. Female body condition and brood sex ratio in Yellow-legged Gulls Larus cachinnans. Ibis 145: 220-226.

Alvarez, D., Muntaner J. & Velando, A. 2003. Cormorán moñudo Phalacrocorax aristotelis. En: R. Martí & J.C. del Moral (eds): Atlas de las aves reproductoras de España.DGCN-SEO. pp 102-103

Monroy, F., Aira, M, Velando, A, Domínguez, J, & 2003. Have spermatophores inEisenia fetida(Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) any reproductive role? Pedobiología, 47: 526-529


Velando, A. & Marquez, J.C. 2002 Predation risk and habitat selection in the inca tern (Larosterna inca). Canadian Journal of Zoology 80: 1117-1123

Velando, A. 2002. Experimental manipulation of maternal effort produces diferential effect on sons and daugthers. Implications for adaptive sex ratios in blue-footed booby. Behavioral Ecology 13: 443-449

Velando, A. & Freire, J. 2002. Population modelling of European shag at their southern limit: conservation implications. Biological Conservation: 107: 59-69.

Velando, A., Graves, J. & Ortega-Ruano, J.E. 2002. Sex ratio in relation to timing of breeding, and laying sequence in a dimorphic seabird. Ibis 144: 9-16.

Alonso-Alvarez, C., Velando, A. & Ferrer, M. 2002. Changes in Body Mass and Plasma Chemistry during the Incubation Period in the Yellow-legged Gull (Larus cachinnans). Waterbirds: 25: 253-258.

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Velando, A. Lessells, C.M. & Marquez, J.C. 2001. The function of female and male ornaments in the Inca Tern: evidence for links between ornament expression and both adult condition and reproductive performance. Journal of Avian Biology 32: 311-318.

Velando, A. 2001 Postfledging crèche behaviour in European shag. J. Ethology 19: 116-122

Velando, A. & Freire, J. 2001. Can the central-periphery distribution become general in seabird colonies? Nest spatial pattern in the European Shag. Condor 103: 544-554

Alonso-Alvarez, C & Velando, A. 2001. Effect of testosterone on behaviour of yellow legged gulls in a high density colony during the courtship period. Ethology  Ecology & Sociobiology  13: 343-351.


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Velando, A., Graves, J. & Freire, J. 2000. Sex-specific growth in the European Shag Stictocarbo aristotelis, a seabird with size dimorphism. Ardea 88: 127-136

Velando, A & Freire, J. 1999. Intercolony and seasonal differences in the breeding diet of European shags on the Galician coast (NW Spain). Marine Ecology Progress Series 188: 225-236.

Velando, A., Ortega-Ruano, J.E. & Freire, J. 1999. Chick mortality in European shagStictocarbo aristotelisrelated to food limitations during adverse weather events. Ardea 87: 51-59.

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Velando, A. & Freire, J. 1999. Coloniabilidad y conservación de aves marinas: El caso del cormorán moñudo. Etologia 7: 55-62

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Docampo, F. & Velando, A. 1994. Análisis de las recuperaciones de Gaviota TridáctilaRissa tridactylaen la Península Ibérica. Butll. GCA 11: 39-44.