Alberto Velando |
Research interests |
Phenotypic integration |
Sexual selection in a life-history context |
Evolution of aging |
Social evolution |
Seabird conservation |
Publications |
pdf files are made available for teaching and
scientific purposes only, the copyright remains in
every case with the copyright owner |
2019 |
Noguera JC, Velando A. 2019. Bird
embryos perceive vibratory cues of predation risk from
clutch mates. Nature Ecology and Evolution
3, 1225–1232
Velando, A., Noguera, J.C., da Silva, A., Kim, S-Y.
2019. Redox-regulation
and life-history trade-offs: scavenging mitochondrial
ROS improves growth in a wild bird. Scientific
Reports 9, 2203
Kim S-Y, Noguera JC & Velando A. 2019. Carry-over
effects of early thermal conditions on somatic and
germline oxidative damages are mediated by compensatory
growth in sticklebacks. Journal Animal Ecology 88,
2018 |
Alvarez, G. Barros, A, Velando, A. 2018. The
use of European shag pellets as indicators of
microplastic fibers in the marine environment.
Marine Pollution Bulletin 137, 444-448
Morales J, Velando A. 2018. Coloration
of chicks modulates costly interactions among family
members. Behavioral Ecology 29, 894-903
Oro D, Álvarez D, Velando A. 2018. Complex
demographic heterogeneity from anthropogenic impacts in
a coastal marine predator. Ecological Applications
28, 612-621
Morales J, Lucas A, Velando A. 2018. Maternal
programming of offspring antipredator behavior in a
seabird. Behavioral Ecology 29, 479-485
Noguera JC, Aira M, Pérez-Losada M, Velando A. 2018. Glucocorticoids
modulate gastrointestinal microbiome in a wild. Royal
Society Open Science 5, 171743
2017 |
Noguera JC, Kim S-Y, Velando A. 2017. Family-transmitted
stress in a wild bird. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences USA 114:6794-6799
Velando A, Costa MM, Kim S-Y. 2017. Sex-specific
phenotypes and metabolism-related gene expression in
juvenile sticklebacks. Behavioral Ecology 28,
Kim S-Y, Costa MM, Esteve-Codina A, Velando A. 2017. Transcriptional
mechanisms underlying life-history responses to climate
change in the three-spined stickleback. Evolutionary
Applications 10:718-730
Kim S-Y, Metcalfe NB, da Silva A, Velando A. 2017. Thermal
conditions during early life influence seasonal maternal
strategies in the three-spined stickleback. BMC
Ecology 17:34
Díaz-Real J, Kim S-Y, Velando A. 2017. Plumage
colour and the expression of stress-related genes in
gull chicks. Journal Avian Biology 48, 1216-1225
Velando A, Moran P, Romero R, Fernandez J, Piorno V.
2017. Invasion
and eradication of the American mink in the Atlantic
Islands National Park (NW Spain): A retrospective
analysis. Biological Invasions 19, 1227–1241
2016 |
Barros A, Romero R, Munilla I, Pérez C, Velando A.
2016. Behavioural
plasticity in nest-site selection of a colonial seabird
in response to an invasive carnivore.Biological
Invasions 18:3149–3161
Díaz-Real J, Kim S-Y, Velando A. 2016 Hatching
hierarchy but not egg-related effects governs behavioral
phenotypes in gull chicks. Behavioral Ecology 27,
2015 |
Velando A, Barros Á , Moran P.
2015. Heterozygosity–fitness correlations in a declining
seabird population. Molecular ecology 24, 1007-1018 |
Kim S-Y, Velando A. 2015. Phenotypic integration between
anti-predator behaviour and camouflage pattern in
juvenile sticklebacks. Evolution, 69, 830-83 |
Kim S-Y, Velando A. 2015. Antioxidants safeguard
telomeres in bold chicks. Biology Letters, 11, 20150211 |
González-Solís J , Díaz M , Velando A, Tella JL, Amat
JA, Arroyo B et al. , 2015. Anillamiento científico:
estado actual y perspectivas de futuro. Quercus, 354,
23-28 |
2014 |
Velando, A, Beamonte-Barrientos, R, Torres, R.
2014. Enhanced male coloration after immune challenge
increases reproductive potential. Journal of
Evolutionary Biology, 27, 1582-1589 |
Barros, A., Alvarez, D., Velando, A. 2014. Long-term
reproductive impairment in a seabird after the Prestige
oil spill. Biology Letters, 10, 20131041 |
Kim, S-Y & Velando, A. 2014. Stickleback males increase
red coloration and courtship behaviours in the presence
of a competitive rival. Ethology 120, 502-510 |
Fargallo, JA, Velando, A, López-Rull, I, Gañán, N,
Lifshitz, N, Wakamatsu, K, Torres, R. 2014.
Sex-specific phenotypic integration: endocrine profiles,
coloration, and behavior in fledgling boobies.
Behavioral Ecology 25, 76-87. |
Beamonte-Barrientos, R, Velando, A, Torres, R. 2014.
Age-dependent effects of carotenoids on sexual ornaments
and reproductive performance of a long-lived seabird.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology,68, 115-126. |
Lucas, A, Morales, J, Velando, A. 2014. Differential
effects of specific carotenoids on oxidative damage and
immune response of gull chicks The Journal of
Experimental Biology, 217, 1253-1262 |
2013 |
Moreno, J, Velando, A, González‐Braojos, S,
Ruiz‐de‐Castañeda, R, Cantarero A. 2013. Females Paired
with More Attractive Males Show Reduced Oxidative
Damage: Possible Direct Benefits of Mate Choice in Pied
Flycatchers Ethology 119, 727-737 |
Velando, A, Kim S-Y, Noguera JC. 2013. Begging response
of gull chicks to the red spot on the parental bill.
Animal Behaviour, 85, 1359–1366 |
Barros, A., Alvarez, D., Velando, A. 2013. Cormorán
moñudo – Phalacrocorax aristotelis. En: Enciclopedia
Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. Salvador, A.,
Morales, M. B. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias
Naturales, Madrid. |
Barros, A. Álvarez, D. & Velando, A. 2013. Climate
influence on fledgling sex ratio and sex-specific
dispersal in a seabird. Plos One 8(8): e71358. |
Morales, J & Velando A. 2013. Signals in family
conflicts. Animal Behaviour, 85, 1359–1366 |
Kim S-Y, Noguera JC, Velando A. 2013. Vitamins, stress
and growth: the availability of antioxidants in early
life influences the expression of cryptic genetic
variation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology,26,
1341–1352 |
Noguera JC, Kim S-Y, Velando A. 2013. Maternal
testosterone influences a begging component that makes
fathers work harder in chick provisioning. Hormones &
Behaviour, 64, 19-25. |
Domínguez, J & Velando, A. 2013. Sexual selection in
earthworms: Mate choice, sperm competition, differential
allocation and partner manipulation. Applied Soil
Ecology, 69, 21–27 |
2012 |
Alonso-Alvarez, C. & Velando A. 2012. Benefits and costs
of parental care. In Royle, N. J., Smiseth, P. T. &
Kölliker, M. (eds.). The evolution of parental care.
Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp 40-61. |
Noguera, J.C., Dean, R., Isaksson, C., Velando, A. &
Pizzari, T.2012 Age-specific oxidative status and the
expression of pre- and post-copulatory sexually-selected
traits in male red junglefowl Gallus gallus. Ecology &
Evolution 2, 2155-2167. |
Noguera JC, Kim S-Y, Velando A. 2012 Pre-fledgling
oxidative damage predicts recruitment in a long-lived
bird. Biology Letters 8: 61-63 |
Morales J, Torres R, Velando A 2012. Safe betting:
males help dull females only when they raise
high-quality offspring. Behavioral Ecology &
Sociobiology 66:135-143 |
Porto PG, Domínguez J. & Velando A. 2012 Multiple
mating increases cocoon hatching success in the
earthworm Eisenia andrei (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae).
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Biological
Journal of the Linnean Society 107, 175-181 |
Moreno, J., Velando, A., Ruiz-de-Castañeda, R.,
González-Braojos, S., & Cantarero, A. 2012. Oxidative
damage in relation to a female plumage badge: evidence
for signalling costs. Acta Ethologica 16, 65-75 |
2011 |
Torres, R, Drummond, H, Velando A. 2011. Parental age
and lifespan influence offspring recruitment: A
Long-Term Study in a Seabird. Plos One 6(11): e27245. |
Noguera, J.C., Lores, M., Alonso-Álvarez, C. &Velando,
A. 2011. Thrifty development: early-life diet
restriction reduces oxidative damage during later
growth. Functional Ecology 25, 1114-1153 |
Kim S-Y, Noguera JC, Morales J & Velando A. 2011. The
evolution of multi-component begging display in gull
chicks: sibling competition and genetic variability.
Animal Behaviour 82, 113-118. |
Velando A., Noguera JC, Drummond H, & Torres R.
2011 Senescent males carry premutagenic lesions in
sperm. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24, 693–697. |
Kim S-Y, Velando A, Torres R. & Drummond H.
2011.Effects of recruiting age on senescence, lifespan
and lifetime reproductive success in a long-lived
seabird. Oecologia 166, 615-626 |
Moreno, J. Velando, A., Ruiz-De-Castañeda R., Cantarero,
A., Gonzalez-Braojos, S., Redondo A. 2011. Plasma
antioxidant capacity and oxidative damage in relation to
male plumage ornamental traits in a montane Iberian Pied
Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca popu |
Velando, A., Munilla, I. 2011. Disturbance to a
foraging seabird by sea-based tourism: Implications for
reserve management in marine protected areas. Biological
Conservation 144, 1167–1174. |
Munilla I, Arcos JM, Oro D, Álvarez D, Leyenda
PM,Velando A 2011. Mass mortality of seabirds in the
aftermath of the Prestige oil spill. Ecosphere 2, a83 |
Moreno, R., Jover, L, Munilla, I, Velando, A., Sanpera
C. 2011. The influence of trophic ecology and spatial
variation on the isotopic fingerprints of seabirds.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 442: 229–239. |
Kim S-Y, Noguera JC, Morales J & Velando A. 2011.
Quantitative genetic evidence for trade-off between
growth and resistance to oxidative stress in a wild
bird. Evolutionary Ecology 25, 461-472. |
Morales J, Velando A, Torres R 2011. Biliverdin-based
egg coloration is enhanced by carotenoid
supplementation. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology
65:197–203 |
Kim S-Y, Drummond H, Torres R & Velando A. 2011.
Evolvability of an avian life-history trait declines
with father's age. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:
295–302. |
Noguera JC, Alonso-Alvarez C, Kim S-Y, Morales J,Velando
A. 2011. Yolk testosterone reduces oxidative damages
during postnatal development.Biology Letters 7: 93-95. |
2010 |
Torres R and Velando A. 2010. Color in a Long-lived
Tropical Seabird: Sexual Selection in a Life- history
Context. In Advances in the Study of Behaviour.
Behavioral Ecology of Tropical Animals, Ed. Regina
Macedo. Vol 42. ISBN 9780123808943. |
Pérez, C., Lores, M., Velando, A. 2010.Oil pollution
increases plasma antioxidants but reduces coloration in
a seabird. Oecologia 163: 875-884. |
Velando, A., Munilla, I, López-Alonso, M., Freire, J.,
Pérez, C. 2010. EROD activity and stable isotopes in
seabirds to disentangle marine food web contamination
after the Prestige oil spill. Environmental Pollution
158: 1275-1280. |
Kim, S.-Y., Noguera, J.C. Morales, J., Velando, A.2010.
Heritability of resistance to oxidative stress in early
life. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 769-775. |
Beamonte-Barrientos, R., Velando, A., Drummond, H.,
Torres, R. Senescence of maternal effects: aging
influences egg quality and rearing capacities of a
long-lived bird. American Naturalist 175: 469–480. |
Munilla, I., & Velando, A. 2010. Oiling in live gulls as
a tool to monitor acute oil spill effects on seabirds.
Ibis 152: 405 - 409. |
Velando, A., Drummond, H., Torres, R. 2010.Senescing
sexual ornaments recover after a sabbatical. Biology
Letters 6: 194-196. |
Kim, S.-Y., Velando, A., Sorci, G., Alonso-Alvarez, C.
2010. Genetic correlation between resistance to
oxidative stress and reproductive lifespan in a bird
species. Evolution 64: 852–857. |
Noguera, J.C., Morales, J., Pérez, C. Velando, A.2010.
On the oxidative cost of begging: Antioxidants enhance
vocalizations in gull chicks. Behavioral Ecology 21:
479-484. |
Morales, J., Torres, R., Velando, A. 2010. Parental
conflict and blue egg coloration in a seabird
Naturwissenschaften 97:173–180. |
Moreno, R., Jover, L, Munilla, I, Velando, A., Sanpera
C. 2010. A three-isotope approach to disentangling the
diet of a generalist consumer: the yellow-legged gull in
northwest Spain. Marine Biology 157:545–553. |
Pérez, C., Munilla, I., López-Alonso, M. & Velando,
A. 2010. Sublethal effects on seabirds after
thePrestige oil-spill are mirrored in sexual signals.
Biology Letters 6, 33-35 |
2009 |
Morales, J., Alonso-Álvarez, C, Pérez, C, Torres, R,
Serafino, E. & Velando, A. 2009. Families on the spot:
sexual signals influence parent-offspring
negotiations Proceedings of the Royal Society London B
276, 2477-2483 |
Velando, A. & Torres, R. 2009. Evolución de la
Coloración en la Aves: Darwin Reivindicado. En:
Evolución y Adaptación 150 años después del Origen de
las Especies (Dopazo, H. & Navarro A. Eds). Obrapropia,
Valencia. |
Domínguez, J. & Velando, A. 2009. Darwin y las Lombrices
de Tierra: Selección Sexual en Animales Hermafroditas
En: Evolución y Adaptación 150 años después del Origen
de las Especies (Dopazo, H. & Navarro A. Eds).
Obrapropia, Valencia. |
Munilla, I. & Velando, A. 2009. Plan Integral de
Recuperación e Conservación das Aves Mariñas Ameazadas
de Galicia . Consellería de Medio Ambiente e
Desenvolvemento Sostible, Xunta de Galicia [141pp Book] |
Morales, J. Velando, A. Torres, R. 2009. Fecundity
limits attractiveness when pigments are scarce.
Behavioral Ecology 20: 117-123 |
2008 |
Velando, A. Torres, R., Alonso-Alvarez, C. 2008.
Avoiding bad genes: Oxidatively damaged DNA in germ line
and mate choice. BioEssays 30:1212–1219 |
Morales, J. Velando, A., Moreno, J. 2008. Pigment
allocation to eggs decreases plasma antioxidants in a
songbird. Behavioural Ecology & Sociobiology 63 (2),
227-233 |
Pérez, C., Lores, M., Velando, A. 2008. Availability of
non-pigmentary antioxidant affects red coloration in
gulls. Behavioral Ecology 19: 967-973 |
Velando, A. & Munilla, I. 2008. Plan de Conservación del
Cormorán Moñudo en el Parque Nacional de las Islas
Atlánticas. Universidade de Vigo. [156pp Book] |
Velando, A., Eiroa, J. & Domínguez J. 2008.Brainless but
not clueless: Earthworms boost their ejaculates when
they detect fecund nonvirgin partners. Proceedings of
the Royal Society London B 275:1067-72 |
Pérez, C., Velando, A., Munilla, I. Lopez-Alonso, M.
Oro, D. 2008. Monitoring PAH pollution in the marine
environment after the Prestige oil-spill by means of
seabird blood analysis. Environmental Science &
Technology, 42, 707–713 |
2007 |
Torres, R. & Velando, A. 2007. Male reproductive
senescence: The price of immune-induced oxidative damage
on sexual attractiveness in the blue-footed booby.
Journal Animal Ecology 76:1161-1168 |
Alonso-Alvarez, C., Perez, C.., Velando, A. 2007.
Effects of acute exposure to heavy fuel oil from the
Prestige spill on a seabird. Aquatic Toxicology
84:103-110 |
Álvarez, D. & Velando, A. 2007 El Cormorán moñudo en
España y Gibraltar. Población en 2006-2007 y método de
censo. SEO/Birdlife. Madrid [Book 82pp] |
Munilla, I., Díez, C. & Velando, A. 2007. Are edge bird
populations doomed to extinction? A retrospective
analysis of the common guillemot collapse in Iberia.
Biological Conservation 137: 359-371 |
Alonso-Alvarez, C., Munilla, I. López; M., Velando, A.
2007. Sublethal toxicity of the Prestige oil spill on
yellow-legged gulls Environment International 33:
773-781 |
Aira, M, Domínguez, J, Monroy, F & Velando, A.2007.
Stress promotes changes in resource allocation to growth
and reproduction in a simultaneous hermaphrodite with
indeterminate growth Biological Journal of the Linnean
Society 91: 593–600 |
2006 |
Velando, A. Beamonte, R & Torres R. 2006. Pigment-based
skin colour in the blue-footed booby: an honest signal
of current condition used by females to adjust
reproductive investment. Oecologia 149: 543-552 |
Velando, A. Drummond, H. & Torres R. 2006.Senescent
birds redouble reproductive effort when ill:
confirmation of the terminal investment hypothesis.
Proceedings of the Royal Society London B 273: 1443–1448 |
Martínez-Abraín, A. Velando, A. Genovart, M. . Gerique,
C Bartolomé,M. A. Villuendas, E. Sarzo, B. & Oro, D.
2006. Sex-specific mortality of European shags during an
oil spill: demographic implications for the recovery of
colonies. Marine Ecology Progress Series 318: 271-276 |
Tato, A., Velando, A., Domínguez, J. 2006. Influence of
size and partner preference on the female function of
the earthworm Eisenia andrei (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae)
European Journal of Soil Biology 42:s331-333 |
Pérez, C., Velando, A. & Domínguez, J. 2006. Parental
food conditions influence sex-specific embryo mortality
in the yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis). Journal
of Ornithology 147:513–519 |
Velando, A., J. Dominguez, and A.
Ferreiro. 2006.Inbreeding and outbreeding reduces cocoon
production in the earthworm Eisenia andrei.European
Journal of Soil Biology 42:s354-357 |
Monroy, F., Aira, M. Domínguez, J. & Velando, A. 2006
Seasonal population dynamics of Eisenia fetida(Savigny,
1826) (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) in the field. C. R.
Biologies 329: 912–915 |
Martínez-Abraín, A., Oro, D., Velando, A., Genovart, M.,
Gerique, C., Bartolomé, M. A., Sarzo; B. & Villuendas,
E. 2006. Morphometric similarities between central and
peripheral populations of the European shag
Phalacrocorax aristotelis. Marine Ornitholog |
2005 |
Velando, A., Torres, R. & Espinosa, I. 2005. Male
coloration and chick condition in blue-footed booby: a
cross-fostering experiment. Behavioural Ecology &
Sociobiology 58: 175–180 |
Torres, R. & Velando, A. 2005. Male preference for
female foot colour in a seabird with a mixed mating
strategy. Animal Behaviour 69: 59-65 |
Velando, A., Munilla, I. & Leyenda,
P.M. 2005. Short-term indirect effects of the Prestige
oil spill on a marine top predator: changes in prey
availability for European shags. Marine Ecology Progress
Series 302: 263–274 |
Velando, A., Álvarez, D., Mouriño, J., Arcos, F.,
Barros, A. 2005. Population trends and reproductive
success of European Shag following the Prestige oil
spill in the Iberian Peninsula. Journal of Ornithology
146: 116-120 |
Monroy, F., Aira, M, Velando, A, Domínguez, J, 2005.
Size-assortative mating in the earthwormEisenia
fetida (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae). J Ethology 23: 69-70 |
Domínguez, J. Velando, A. & Ferreiro,
A. 2005. AreEisenia fetida E. andrei separtarate
biological species? Pedobiologia 49: 81-87 |
Velando, A. 2005. Planes de conservación de especies
amenazadas. In: F. Rodríguez [Ed.]. Galicia. Ecología.
Tomo XLV: Conservación. Hercules de Ediciones, A Coruña. |
2004 |
Velando, A. 2004. Female control in yellow-legged gull:
trading paternity assurance for food. Animal
Behaviour 67: 899-907 |
Velando, A. & Alvarez, D. 2004. Cormoran
Moñudo,Phalacrocorax aristotelis aristotelis. In A.
Madroño, C. Gonzalez & J.C. Atienza [eds.], Libro Rojo
de las Aves de España. Ministerio de Medio
Ambiente-SEO/Birdlife, Madrid. pp 60-62 |
2003 |
Torres, R. & Velando, A. 2003. A dynamic trait affects
continuous pair assessment in the blue-footed
booby, Sula nebouxii Behavioural Ecology and
Sociobiology 55: 65-72 |
Velando, A. & Alonso-Alvarez, C. 2003. Differential body
condition regulation by males and females in response to
experimental manipulations of brood size and parental
effort in the blue-footed Booby. Journal Animal Ecology
72: 846-856 |
Velando, A. & Freire, J. 2003. Nest-Site
Characterictics, Ocupation and Breeding Success in the
European Shag. Waterbirds 26: 473-483 |
Domínguez, J, Velando, A, Aira, M & Monroy, F. 2003.
Uniparental reproduction of Eisenia fetida andE.
andrei (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae): evidence of
self-insemination. Pedobiología, 47: 530-534 |
Alonso-Alvarez, C. & Velando, A. 2003. Female body
condition and brood sex ratio in Yellow-legged
GullsLarus cachinnans. Ibis 145: 220-226. |
Alvarez, D., Muntaner J. & Velando, A. 2003. Cormorán
moñudo Phalacrocorax aristotelis. En: R. Martí & J.C.
del Moral (eds): Atlas de las aves reproductoras de
España.DGCN-SEO. pp 102-103 |
Monroy, F., Aira, M, Velando, A, Domínguez, J, & 2003.
Have spermatophores in Eisenia fetida(Oligochaeta,
Lumbricidae) any reproductive role? Pedobiología,
47: 526-529 |
2002 |
Velando, A. & Marquez, J.C. 2002 Predation risk and
habitat selection in the inca tern (Larosterna inca).
Canadian Journal of Zoology 80: 1117-1123 |
Velando, A. 2002. Experimental manipulation of maternal
effort produces diferential effect on sons and
daugthers. Implications for adaptive sex ratios in
blue-footed booby. Behavioral Ecology 13: 443-449 |
Velando, A. & Freire, J. 2002. Population modelling of
European shag at their southern limit: conservation
implications. Biological Conservation: 107: 59-69. |
Velando, A., Graves, J. & Ortega-Ruano, J.E. 2002. Sex
ratio in relation to timing of breeding, and laying
sequence in a dimorphic seabird. Ibis 144: 9-16. |
Alonso-Alvarez, C., Velando, A. & Ferrer, M. 2002.
Changes in Body Mass and Plasma Chemistry during the
Incubation Period in the Yellow-legged Gull (Larus
cachinnans). Waterbirds: 25: 253-258. |
Alonso-Alvarez, C., Ferrer, M. & Velando, A. 2002.
Plasmatic indices of body condition in yellow-legged
Gulls (Larus cachinnans): a food-controlled experiment
Ibis: 147-150. |
2001 |
Velando, A. Lessells, C.M. & Marquez, J.C. 2001. The
function of female and male ornaments in the Inca Tern:
evidence for links between ornament expression and both
adult condition and reproductive performance. Journal of
Avian Biology 32: 311-318. |
Velando, A. 2001 Postfledging crèche behaviour in
European shag. J. Ethology 19: 116-122 |
Velando, A. & Freire, J. 2001. Can the central-periphery
distribution become general in seabird colonies? Nest
spatial pattern in the European Shag. Condor 103:
544-554 |
Alonso-Alvarez, C & Velando, A. 2001. Effect of
testosterone on behaviour of yellow legged gulls in a
high density colony during the courtship period.
Ethology Ecology & Sociobiology 13: 343-351. |
1994-2000 |
Velando, A. 2000. The importance of the hatching date on
dominance of young shags. Animal Behaviour 60:181-185. |
Velando, A., Graves, J. & Freire, J. 2000. Sex-specific
growth in the European Shag Stictocarbo aristotelis, a
seabird with size dimorphism. Ardea 88: 127-136 |
Velando, A & Freire, J. 1999. Intercolony and seasonal
differences in the breeding diet of European shags on
the Galician coast (NW Spain). Marine Ecology Progress
Series 188: 225-236. |
Velando, A., Ortega-Ruano, J.E. & Freire, J. 1999. Chick
mortality in European shag Stictocarbo
aristotelis related to food limitations during adverse
weather events. Ardea 87: 51-59. |
Velando, A. Docampo, F. & Alvarez, D. 1999. Status of
European shag population on the Atlantic coast of
Iberian peninsula. Atlantic Seabird 1: 105-114. |
Velando, A. & Freire, J. 1999. Coloniabilidad y
conservación de aves marinas: El caso del cormorán
moñudo. Etologia 7: 55-62 |
Costas, R. & Velando, A. 1997. Cormorán
moñudoPhalacrocorax aristotelis. En: Atlas Ornitológico
Español Seo/BirdLife, pp 38-39. |
Docampo, F. & Velando, A. 1994. Análisis de las
recuperaciones de Gaviota Tridáctila Rissa tridactyla en
la Península Ibérica. Butll. GCA 11: 39-44. |
Collaborations |
past and present |
Dr. Roxana Torres - Universidad Autónoma de México |
Dr. Carlos Alonso-Alvarez - Museo Nacional de Ciencias
Naturales, CSIC |
Dr. Jorge
Domínguez - Universidade de Vigo |
Dr. Ignacio
Munilla - Munilla Biodiversidade |
Dr Judith Morales - Museo Nacional Ciencias Naturales
Dr Juan Moreno -Museo Nacional Ciencias Naturales |
Dr. David
Alvarez - Universidad de Oviedo |
Dr. Daniel Oro - IMEDEA, CSIC |
Dr Hugh Drummond - Universidad Autónoma de México |
Dr. Juan Freire - Universidade da Coruña |
Dr. Jose Eugenio Ortega-Ruano - Universidad Autónoma de
Madrid |
Dr. Kate Lessells - NIOO-KNAW Centre for Terrestrial
Ecology |
Dr. Jeff Graves - University of St Andrews |
Jose Carlos Márquez - Instituto del Mar del Perú |